
ORIGIN - MadayArt

ORIGIN - MadayArt

ORIGIN is a dance production on a new beginning and a new start, blessed with an elemental instinct. With seven young, energetic female dancers, the performance highlights an inner universe, finding the most honest existence on stage.

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Last event date: Friday, June 07 2024 7:30PM

The main components of the performance are the essence of the current that moves bodies and space, the diversity of the power of elemental instinct and the experience of ourselves.

It creates a totality where, pushing the material world to the background, we allow ourselves to show inner existence without any mask. Completeness and naturalness are the words that form the centre of the piece in the most comprehensive sense. 

Eternal ancestry as a source code, the clear harmony of the energy networks of manifested physicality.

ORIGIN is the centre of self and unity. The infinite number of possibilities, organic geometry, just like the structure of materials and plants found in nature. Each vessel is part of a network powered by the flow of materials running through the network.

The never-ending process, where once born and then transformed, a lush and intensely vibrant, unified world is created. 


Choreographer by Tímea Kinga Maday a MadayArt művészeti vezetője

Performed by Metta Alkistis, Bernadett Bánki, Anna Gyöngyösi, Izabela Wróblewska, Jessica Ridge, Maria Llop Pallicé, Lili Novreczky

Light design: Selmeczi Mercédesz
Coustume: MadayArt
Music: M|Artinnovation, montázs

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